Dear Visitor,

Mrs. Saovanee Nilavongse Director FFAC
Mrs. Saovanee Nilavongse Director FFAC

thank you very much for your interest in the work of the Friends For All Children Foundation (FFAC) which is located in Bangkok, Thailand.

We hope that we are providing the information which you are looking for.

If you find yourself with unsanswered questions or with the need for further information, please do not hesitate and contact us via email, telephone or telefax.

You can find our contact information here.

Enjoy your stay on our website!

Kind regards,
Mrs. Saovanee Nilavongse
Director FFAC


A message to our “Residential Nursery Care” visitors

FFAC welcomes those who would like to volunteer their time with our children. The best time to visit is from 9:00 – 11:00 am and 2:00 – 5:00 pm as this is play time.

We respectfully request that visits are restricted to these time frames as nap time is 12:00 am – 2:00 pm. Please do not visit after 5:00 pm as we must keep mosquitos out and it is during this time we prepare the children for bed.



The Magician DMC Magic visited our “Residential Nurse Care”