FFAC Foundation has received a bicycle from an anonymous donor who just dropped by the bicycle. We have distributed the bicycle to Mr. Boy Pattanaboon.
Boy has been abandoned to Friend For All Children Foundation when he was a baby. He was unable to be adopted because of his low IQ with a diagnoses that he would be unable to walk. FFAC put Boy in the care of St. Patrick’s Boy Homes in Nongkhai Province when he was 10 years old.
Boy has grown into a happy 6 foot man, although he started out with behavioral problems. He went through the period of problems with the help of medication, acceptance and much love. He would be probably have been diagnosed with a type if Autism when he was a child and because of Mrs.Wan, the manager of St Patrick’s Home, seeing his limitations immediately took Boy under her wing and bought him up by herself. Now she gets older, Boy looks after her with all the love of a son for his mother.
Apart from talking to himself occasionally excited he is much more relaxed. Now he is now 24 years old. He has finished his high school education. He gets his first job as a staff member of Sarnelli House started at the end of 2014. He picks up guests who arrive by plane at Udorn Thani airport with a driver.
For the pickup Boy wears his best clothes and carries the Sarnelli House sign to alert visitors. When they recognise the sign, Boy swoops on them with outstretched hand to take their luggage and he recites “Welcome to Sarnelli House” in English and proceeds to march them out of the airport to the waiting van and out of the airport homeward bound is the goal.
At Home Boy also looks after 18 younger children in the Home. They have the duty of taking care of the house chores together.
With the perfect bicycle that Boy had received, it was more than a dream. He said he will ride the bike to work and to go around the village which will be good for his health and will be saved for the world.
Big Thanks for the anonymous donor. God Bless YOU.
Report by Saovanee